March 10, 2019
Riff Relevant Write-Up
“This is extreme metal that channels the aesthetics of early death metal, doom, crust-punk, black metal, and sludge in such a way that none dare try to stand against it. With downtuned guitars and war-ready drumming, the music of CULTIC is equal to donning chain mail, hoods and cloaks, taking up sword and shield, and charging into the fray of battle.” – Pat ‘Riot’ Whitaker – Riff Relevant
Check out Riff Relevant for a write-up about the upcoming High Command album release (available for pre-order now, official release April 5th, 2019). You can follow the Riff Relevant Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/riffrelevant/
Read More at RiffRelevant.com
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