Cultic T-Shirt Artwork Completed
While we wait anxiously for an official album release date, we’ve been busy working on our live set, we’re already writing our next album, and we have lots of artwork and merch in the mix. We’re really stoked about the new Cultic T-Shirt illustration (check it out above).
This illustration extends the “High Command” album cover story by placing the king and his horse at center stage. Other themes from the album artwork are also carried-over including the battle axe, flail, and armor designs. T-Shirts will be ordered and printed soon. We’ve decided we will only be printing shirts in limited quantities of 48. If you want one, make sure you check our shop regularly and grab it before they are gone (we won’t be doing any reprints of this design). You can also sign up for our newsletter (see the bottom or right side of this page) to get an email when the shirts are available.
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